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Al Ian is an alien majoring in human studies, excited to be arriving on earth for their placement year. All they need is a single human case study, but for some reason everyone on earth is offput by Al’s intrusive probing and having a voice recorder shoved in their face.

After a misunderstanding gets Al arrested, they find themselves stuck in a cell with Roswell: a jaded conspiracy theorist who, unfazed by Al’s weird persona, mistakes them for a fellow alien fanatic.

Realising this is their one chance to get close to a human, Al goes along with the mistake and is recruited into helping Roswell investigate the “alien activity” in the area, but things start to shift as the pair begins to favour their friendship over their research.

However, this is tested when truths are revealed, and beliefs are put to the test. Who can let go of what they believe for the sake of friendship? After all, Roswell was right about some things.

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